
Day Seventeen, first post.

This may seem like a poor effort but when combining a lack of wifi with the fact I don't own a laptop it becomes more excusable.

I am currently on the island of Ischia, Italy, roasting to near certain death- in a good way. I think. Its been about 35 degrees every day which to be fair is not so bad. Someone I met said that recently, when she was in Dubai, it had been 51. In perspective, 35 degrees 'ain't no thang but a chicken wang'. As some people say.

The hostel I am staying at with Lauren, an Australian I met in Naples, is run by three brothers and is actually a converted convent. The Nuns and I probably enjoyed the low ceilinged bedrooms, charismatic dining (drinking) area and sea views in a different ways though. In addition, the brothers (along with their Dad, Salvatore- the most Italian looking old man ever) have many other establishments that we are allowed to take advantage of as patrons of the Ring Hostel.

One such place is their restaurant, La Cassericcia, which offers a pick up service from the hostel. A group of nine were going on the night that Lauren and I decided to go, and we had to pile in to a tiny van which was probably meant for 6 people before the driver set off. He drove fast, but let me tell you about the streets in Ischia. They can be very narrow and very few are straight for more than 20 meters.

They are also not one way despite their lack of width, so people are constantly hoking horns when approaching corners to avoid death. The winding nature of the roads was supposedly to make things difficult for Pirates on pillaging missions, so I've been told, though I'm unsure that trying to dizzy someone in to submission is a sensible solution for a felon who spends a lot of time being rocked by the sea. But I'm sure it made sense at the time.

As our driver ripped through the miniscule alleys and streets at a shocking pace, the piracy missions were on my mind. I did feel as if we were struggling to make a quick getaway rather than going to have a relaxing dinner, but that was part of the experience. The skill that he had was impressive as he turned left and right, inches away from the houses lining the streets at all times, and I loved it whilst slightly fearing for my life. Ok, pretty much definitely fearing for my life as scooters and other cars were coming the other way and having to dash down side streets or in people's driveways in order to get out of the way.

That's all I'm going to write for now as the activity of cliff diving awaits, which is probably a bad idea. For videos of me, check in a few hours.

Stay classy.


Next: Sleep


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