Whiskey in the Jar

There is a bottle of 45 percent rum underneath my bed. Here it has rested since December 31st, when half of the bottle had either been consumed by myself or awarded to friends. Its pretty disgusting, but I bought it, so I intend to drink it, because wasting alcohol is a sin.

However, it now sits there, next to a bottle of J.P Chenet and the dregs of someone's Malibu, untouched, as I am sober for January whilst on a Ski season in France.

This marks the  longest period of time that I've not had any alcohol since I was somewhere in 17, which was seven years ago. My initial thought was: its pretty bad that drinking has been such a frequent occurrence in my life. But then who else could say that they've not had any booze in a month unless they were actively avoiding it? (I guess the answer to that is people who don't drink that much!)

Having said that, I know I did drink too much. I had not been the 'responsible biologist' that I advocate myself as being.

It was out of habit rather than being physically addicted, though I understand the line between the two is seldom thick and often crossed. The thing for me is that its rare to break a habit without reason to do so. The same with anyone I guess, you have to want to break the habit. Perhaps oddly, my reason to quit for a month wasn't for my health or even to save money (a favourite pastime of mine), but it was because I set myself a challenge and I pride myself on my willpower.

I've realised that my posts often see me weighing positives and negatives against each other. I almost don't need to do that today as I think there is an overall good vibe to not drinking excessively. 

For most people, a big benefit is that alcohol helps them to come out of their shell a bit and have a better time. That's not a problem for me as I've gone out every Sunday (sounds odd but Sunday night means the end of changeover day at the ski resort), Tuesday and Friday in January and had a lot of fun each time.

 There is an overall good vibe to not drinking 

I've had many people thinking that I was drunk when actually I was sober. You see, I get very excitable at the prospect of being out and seeing my friends- you know it, you've seen it. What you may not have seen is that its very much the same hyperactive and friendly (grabby) persona whether I am consuming alcohol or not. I still have a lot of energy for the dance floor and a lot of interest to socialise either way. This was an interesting find. 

My equally sober friend 'Ginge' has not been having the same joy whist going sober for Jan. We have different personalities and going out dry does not agree with him. Or rather, he does not agree with it. In lighter news, Ginge states he has enjoyed the early nights. I will see Ginge at Bar La Roz tonight at midnight for Tequila, don't worry.

But respect to Ginge, as well as Dani and Roberto, the other sober sisters, for their will power. In truth, we have all been tested during the month. Ginge has been offered a free pint from the wenches at our local in their attempt to quash his resolve, yet he stood his ground. Danni got offered free wine a the airport and remained strong and Roberto denied free beers from his guests one week.

As for me? I spilled my friends wine all over her chest and had to say no when she demanded me lick it off her bare skin. Bad times all round.

The other big thing with drinking is that half amusing things can become hilarious. In my life I'v witnessed  that people who don't even like alcohol will consume it for this benefit. I remember being 15 and wincing whilst chugging cheap beer on the town common like a massive stereotype of my age group, because although I didn't like the taste of beer then, it did facilitate a lot of silliness.

Ten years later, and what has changed? Well I wont be drinking in a field until Glastonbury, but booze certainly does massage situations into being more enjoyable and it can definitely persuade people into acting like idiots.

This alcohol-free January I have enjoyed being the observer rather than the dickhead (inb4: a role I've often played). I've seen: 

-People sneaking in to other people's beds and being chucked out, 
 -Friends spewing in their own beds and violently refusing help (you know who you are), 
  -Mant times a certain person had lay spreadeagled on the ice until she's carried home,
    -Others getting off with their own chalet guests- a pure scandal,
     -A girl who didn't want to wait for the ladies toilet so took her knickers down at the male urinals,
      -Someone who was just standing whilst asleep in the kitchen when I got home- what the hell?

And lots of other normal drunk stuff like people falling asleep on pool tables under a pile of coats or getting naked outdoors in the biting cold of the snow. I've viewed your actions my friends, remembered them, and even wrote some of the stories down. But of course all without judgement as it was amusing.

What's nice also is that even though I might go to bed after 3 and wake up for 7 on these sober nights, I manage to feel fine the next day. There has been the odd occasion in the past where having a hang over is ok- like when its a Sunday and you have nothing to do but play BioShock and eat Mexican food- but its usually quite the hindrance to enjoyment of life. So yes, no hanging has been a good thing.

Many people said "You're not drinking? But you are on a season!" which annoyed me. I'm not sure why it frustrated me but it did. I guess  you could say "You're not drinking? But you are *insert many parts of life here'' such as:

You're not drinking? But you've just turned 18!
You're not drinking? But you're at uni!
You're not drinking? But you're backpacking!
You're not drinking? But its summer!
You're not drinking? But Mean Girls is on! Play the drinking game!"
You're not drinking? But you're at a festival! (I've since attended a big festival whist sober and found it to be a fine experience.


There can always be an excuse if you want one I guess. Maybe that's what it was.

*Actually if Mean Girls is on you probably should be drinking. Roberto and I will be watching it on Sunday with wine in the name of me turning 25 and in the name of wine being good.

So I shall drink again tonight and, all good sober experiences accounted for, am looking forward to it. Rather than wanting to get drunk I am really looking forward to just being able to have a beer with Ed or a glass of port with Ginge if we feel like it.

In the name of good health, saving money and morning after productivity, this has been a good experience. I would like to know if other people have enjoyed it similarly or if they found it a nightmare to which they never want to return.

If you've not tried it, consider it. Its a worthy challenge and it might just do you some good.

(I'm not judging)

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