Wax On, Wax Off


There has always been a slight rivalry in resort between the childcare team and the chalet hosts. Essentially, they don't like that we appear to do less work (mainly because we are always being loud and having fun) and we often envy their shared days off and the huge tips they receive.

Thankfully, once we all got to know each other, most of us put these feelings aside and got on well. There were people wouldn't shut up about childcare hours (which actually tend to be very similar to hosts', just at different times) but then some people do love to complain. As self appointed Childcare-Host Relations Officer its been a good season and not too tricky.

This week, when we have had to clean up the resort, some of the hosts got a bit personal. I think it was a case of either group not fully understanding that we were both having to do a lot of work, resulting in childcare being called lazy, which made us want to prove them right by not helping. For a collective group who will all be leaving together, when all of everyone's work is done, this wasn't very productive.

Michael and Jack were determined to exacerbate the rude hosts, and were designated to be Irritation Acceleration Officers. Instead of singing 'There was a crazy Moose, who liked to drink a lot of juice' we chanted 'There was a lazy host, who liked to bitch and moan the most'. This did not help to alleviate the situation but we did stop because there was no point in making the feelings worse.

Its actually fine now. People all got  a bit crazy due to  wanting to go home,  not wanting  to clean and just being exhausted at the end of the season. That night, we all sat down and did a team quiz together which cleared the air and chilled us out.

This is the hard work we were doing for clean up week.
Weakle, Jack and myself, we sharpened pencils.

The Love Club has been a well discussed topic over the past week. Complimentary messages have been received by every member of childcare, having popped up in work folders, in our play rooms, or fixed to bedroom doors. 
            The interesting part, however, is that nobody knows who is behind these kind acts- whether its a member of management, a civilians, a group of people or what. There is talk that the coach journey home will feature a revealing moment, but like everything in La Rosiere, this can be neither confirmed nor denied.

Regardless of who or what is responsible, its a great idea, and one that could be mirrored in any job to give people a boost. Earlier in the season we passed sheets of paper around a circle, each with someone's name on, and wrote a thing that we liked about them on it before passing it on. I've kept mine, with flattering messages such as: I make them smile, I am excellent at my job or that I have cool hair.

"Can you cut my hair before we go?"
"No Jack we've just spent 3 days cleaning everywhere!"

A highlight of this week is that one, huge, 32 person chalet is now only for staff and its a bit like a hilltop frat house. We have been having meals together which is refreshing after having eaten 120 lunches and dinners with children for the past 20 weeks. After eating we've sat in the large communal area and hung out with people we've not spent much time with outside of work. 

Last night was the final Tuesday of the season, kicked off with a huge BBQ for all 60 staff, followed by drinks, games and, even, that old classic: ring of fire. I remember the feeling we get at the end of a school year. We get he kids to shove it at 12, and then we eat and drink together. There's a wonderful community vibe that, lame though it sounds, gives you the sense of belonging that we all seek.

If in doubt, just guess.
I think the app malfunctioned,
its not correct at all!!
Similarly, I've had some great things to say about my friends. I have been thinking about who I'll miss and for what reasons, so I'd like to offer a few shout outs:

Abi- You're a really sweet girl and I love winding you up! Thanks for listening.
Chloe- Thanks for putting up with me
Ed- He's actually a really nice guy, and sharing the Palace with you has been fun.
Ginge- People read you the wrong way, but from living with you I've seen the real you.. and its ok.
Jack- You are so.. unique? People underestimate you, but I don't.
Jimbo- We've gotten on so well in  the latter part of the season, up on the hill.
Lily- You are a wonderful sloth and when you're not sleeping we've had some fun jumping from bed to bed
Ollie- Super to work with and I'll always remember the fantastic day off we had.
Rachel- You've always been there for me which I appreciate so much, and you're the person I've spent the most time with here. Good luck in your adventures, I'll miss you.
Warren and Wolfie- We've had a great time bonding this season and of course, that, day off.
Weakle- This peen is always making me laugh, you're such a character with the worst luck in the world, yet I can't wait to travel with you.

I would offer more but I must soon dash to get ready for our final night out. We are all going to eat together and have a great time. I have to mention that I have been voted employee of the season, but I'll just say I'm very flattered and leave it at that.

In November I have been offered a very exciting job, working in Lapland. I fully intend to accept this, as it looks very fun. I will be looking after guests and taking them to husky sledding, reindeer rides, seeing the Aurora, ice fishing, checking out the ice bar and, of course, going to see Santa.

I'm really looking forward to this next adventure, yet I'm sure I will have a great time doing whatever I do. Its been a great winter, hope you've enjoyed yours as much as me.

Thanks for keeping up with me.

Dion out.

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Previous post: Winding Down

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