
Showing posts from June, 2014


A wonderful friend of mone quotes Ernest Hemmingway on her blpg woth the doctrine: "write driunk, edit sober". So i though i'D take her (and his) advice.  [After reading this back a few weeks later, I could see how the editing part was just as important as the getting wrecked. So I got to work on editing] I am relaxedly hazy from an onslaught of booze that I had to try 'for the good of the company'. I am on restaurant training and I'm at the part where we get to try stuff. We have completed 'wine tasting' which involved smelling, observing, sipping and spitting, although I did swallow most of mine as, like most people I know, I am a borderline alcoholic. We were getting told about different spirits, stuff the restaurant guests would probably never ask. There's a huge mark up on drinks in any restaurant, you may know that's where a lot of money is made.         For example a 660ml Peroni can be bought for ~£1.20 and sold for ...