Games - Lying Games

Here are a couple of silly games that require no equipment or set up.

They are fun to play with imaginative people, and can also be drinking games

Two Truths One Lie

The idea: You hide a lie amongst two truths and attempt to pull the wool over people's eyes.

Play the game in five easy steps:

1. A player discloses three statements to the group- two being true, the other being a complete lie.

2. Members of the group can ask questions about any of the statements to try and verify their credibility.

3. After everyone is satisfied, voting begins, with people guessing which they thought was the lie.

4. The lie is then disclosed. Whoever guessed the lie correctly tells the liar to drink. If someone guessed wrong, they drink.

If the liar fools everyone, they all drink twice. If everyone calls him/her out, then the liar drinks twice.

5. The next person to tell two truths and one lie is the next person on the left.

This next game I prefer as it does not require people to think so much and so the pace is faster.

Tell Me About The Time

In an absinthery in Prague we were playing TTOL. After a while found it hard to think of  more statements we could talk around, so a new game was born.

The idea: I ask you to tell me about the time you did something. I do not know if you did this or not, but either way, you have to convince the group that it really did happen.

Five easy steps:

1. Whoever has a good question in mind asks the person on their left "Tell me about the time..."

They should not be too specific to increase the mystery of whether this could have happened or not. eg. "Tell me about the time you cheated on a test", "Tell me about the time the police cautioned you"

2. You have ten seconds to 'remember' the specific time (or to begin to fabricate it) and then tell the tale.

3. People can ask one question each for further information.

4. Everyone says if they think its true or a lie

5. The truth is revealed. Whether its true or a lie, whoever guessed the correctly tells the storyteller to drink. If someone guessed wrong, they drink.

If the storyteller fools everyone, they all drink twice. If everyone calls him/her out,  then the liar drinks twice.

Continue in a circle or however you like.

Happy lying!


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