Games - Dion's FIREWORM

F I R E W O R M the complete guide


1. The basic rules 2. An example of the card punishments 3. Ending the game
4. Forfeit index
5. Fireworm, a history

1. The basic rules

Its a quick card game with stupid forfeits and a fair bit of drinking.

- Deal out a few cards to each player face down (4 is usually fine to start). - Players must place a card face up that is higher than the previous one that was put down.

- Easy. But- each card comes with a forfeit: Punishments for cards 2 to J, you dish out to whoever you please when you put them down; and the forfeits for Q, K, and A happen to you when you place them.

Slip up and break the forfeit? Take a drink and continue!

If you can’t place a card, pick up from the deck. If each player is forced to pick up in succession, then just reset the deck or we’ll be here til Christmas.

2. An example of the card punishments

2 - This can be played at any time. Resets the deck and you give out two fingers (of drink of course, what are you- mad?).

3 - No use of the letter i. So watch what you say!

4 - Flip bet. Pick someone to bet a certain number of drinks on heads or tails. Loser consumes

5 - Dustin Hoffman card. Only use one hand. (“Bring me Peter Pan!”)

6 -  Hannibal Lecter card. Bare those teeth!

7- Don’t touch the floor or the table

8 - Nominate someone to guess the suit of the next card. If they are right you get it, if they are wrong they keep it.

9 - Catherine Special! Nominate an enemy to do a shot

10 - No swearing, use of the ‘D’ word or use of names.

J - Don’t touch your face!

Remember: The these happen to you when you place the following cards:

Q - You are question master. Ask people questions. If they answer them then they must drink. Instead, they need to tell you to piss off.

K- You are the Basilisk! I anyone makes eye contact with you they consume.

A- The Kristen Stewart card. No Laughing please.
Breaking any forfeit, such as itching your eyeball when the J has been played against you, means you drink.
All forfeits last until the end of the game.

3. Ending the game

The game ends when a player places their last card and shouts ‘FIREWORM!’ with their hands in the air. If they do not do this they do not win and get another card. The winner gets to change an existing rule, eg. 'five is no longer Captain Hook it is now....' or else make up a more general rule eg. 'when you place any heart you must shout 'NIPS!' or you have to drink. You then play further rounds with the new rules applied.

4. Forfeit index

Customise the game with these rules. Just remember: If you select a card from 2 to J for one of these, the person who places it will give out the forfeit. If its Q, K or A, the rebound on the person who plays the card.
Accent prone - Someone speaks in an accent of your choosing. Accessorise -This is going to involve some poor person putting on someone else's clothes Body Shots - These are always good if you can persuade the group its the right thing to do. Someone's getting on the table and having some hard liquor consumed form their belly button, and everyone's going to love it. Butler Service - All good butlers should wear gloves to keep their hands from dirtying the drinking vessels. You don't have gloves though, so get your socks on your hands. Eliza Dolittle - This darling balanced books on her head to improver her posture. You'll have to balance whatever you are told to! If the object remains at the end of the round, the friend who gave this challenge must instead drink.
Iguanodon - its a dinosaur. With spiked thumbs. Whomsoever you elect will be giving a double thumbs up for the rest of the game.
Iron Maiden-Name - The nominee must refer to each player by their mothers' maiden names. If you have any 'no names' rules in place, this cancels that rule for the round

Karaoke Card - The person you choose must sing whatever they wish to communicate International Drinking Rules - There are tons of these. The ones we commonly use are: No swearing No use of the ‘D’ word No pointing No use of any names. Irritable Vowels - A variation on another rule. Pick any vowel you like to be taboo for the unlucky victim. Whenever they use it, whatever they are saying, they must drink. Lick and Stick- A simple one: the designated player licks the card and affixes it to their face. If it falls off, they drink and it is not replaced. If the card remains at the end of the game, the friend who gave this challenge must instead drink. Bully someone in having lots of cards on their face. (Nb. not me though) Loser Mask - If you have a pen, paper and a large elastic band, this can be a silly one. Cut out eye holes in a bit of paper and decorate it offensively. Affix with the band, then stooge must wear this and suffer torment.
Master Yoda - Good old Master Yoda, so wise but he does speak oddly. Pay tribute to him you must. Say sentences like him you shall. Mathelete - Challenge someone to maths! Its actually simple. One the count of three, both you and your contender rapidly put the backs of your right hands on your own foreheads. You will be showing a number of fingers between two and five. So will your opponent. The first person to shout the value of these two numbers when they are multiplied together is the victor. The loser.. well you can guess what happens. YEAH YOU RIP UP THEIR MATHS GCSE CERTIFICATE HAHAAH- YOU GUESSED IT! No actually they just drink...
Suffix Surprise - Nominate someone to finish each sentence with a word of your choosing

5. Fireworm, a history

I made it up when I was in the shower in Reading in 2012. We then played it after I got dressed and it was real silly. 

It is now being played in many countries throughout Europe, by a multitude of nationalities.
This has nothing to do with the game:


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