
Showing posts from November, 2015

Sights From A Chinese Street

During the last couple of years I've worked in a few different countries- France, Finland, Czech and I am currently in China. Of the seven different jobs I've had, they have all been within walking distance from home, which includes the job I have now.. It only takes me 12 minutes to walk to work, but even in that short distance there are some interesting things to behold. During the last week, I've been taking some snaps on the way to work... Are the days numbered for streets like this? (I hope so) A lot of construction is going on in this area, as is probably in many parts of China. Its said to be an interesting time to be in China, 'because in a few years the country will have transformed'. Dirty side streets like this one will be replaced by more habitable accommodation, possibly. At the moment though, particularly near where I live, there's a lot of filth. An abundance of littering and dumping of refuse hinders progress being made to imp...

Animal Treatment in China

I get the idea that recently that people weren't collectively overjoyed about the President of China coming for a visit to the UK.  This made me think. Its hard to know what actually goes on in other countries if you've not been there personally. I don't know much about the history of human rights in China- more of what I've read has been about how animals are treated. Such as stories of dogs being boiled alive and cats being beaten, also still alive, to create a 'better' product. I've heard the quote from a Chef in Guangzhou who said "the worse you treat them, the better they taste". But I've not experienced these things first-hand so I'll refrain from comment. Instead, I decided to take advantage of being a British citizen in China, witnessing how animals are treated, and report on instances I have personally seen since I've been here. Keeping cats on leashes. Just another sight around town that I would describe as...