Food In China Part 1: The Food Investigation

Part 1: The Food Investigation Part 2: The Strange Stuff The Food Investigation Recently I’ve been enjoying juicing- no, not injecting steroids in to my muscles/groin, but putting fruit and veg in to a blender and drinking it. Raw food is claimed to have many benefits so I’ve been giving it a go and enjoying it. The thing is, produce is not only quite unappealing here, but not very cheap either. Carrots aren't always this bad, but they are usually soft and grubby, a bit like the old ladies I see around here When people say that China’s food is cheap, you might find that the savings cash in when you eat out, rather than at the supermarket. In the UK its the reverse, where restaurant eating costs much more than cooking for myself. To investigate the cost effectiveness of dining out, I indulged in the Food Investigation: I didn’t cook anything for myself, and let others do it for me. Would I save money, would it be healthy and, most importantly,...