Chinese Winters

Whichever country you are reading this from, I’m sure you’re feeling a bit chillier than usual this week. Here in the semi-tropical environment of Southern China, I’m feeling cold too. The French Alps felt warmer than China. Or rather, the houses were made with weather changes in mind. I’ve lived in far colder weather, hovering around zero (32F) in the French Alps and usually -15 (5F) in Lapland. But where the Lapland apartments were well insulated and properly equipped for the cold, China is usually warm and so there’s no insulation or heating. For nine months of the year when its hot I am grateful for the cooling air conditioning that every apartment has. The floors are tiled, as in many parts of Asia, which also helps to keep the place cool in the summer. Large screen doors open on to a cute little balcony and let in lots of light. Yeah the doors don't close properly, but a few gaps aren't too problematic when its so hot. Its the closest to the equator I...